字母 图像 符号
原词 | 速记符号 | 原词 | 速记符号 |
people/person人 | o右上角 | Janpanese日本人 | JPo |
Government/govern | C政府 | Governmentalofficial | CZ |
Politics/political | P政治 | politician | PZ |
Efficient/effective | G效率 | inflation | Q通货膨胀 |
victory,/win/success | V胜利 | Leader/head | T领导人 |
agriculture/agriculture | A农业 | business | B商业 |
conflict/confrontation | C×冲突/矛盾 | work/employ | W工作/职业 |
industry/industrial | i工业 | treaty/agreement | U合同/协议 |
bilateral(双边的) | U内填入2 | trilateral(三边的) | U内填入3 |
Unilateralism(单边主义) | U内填入1 | Multiple(多边主义) | U内填入m |
谈判破裂 | U上加一个“/” | country/state/nation | □国家/民族/领土 |
Import进口 | gO | outport出口 | Og |
chair/host/presideover | Z主持/主办 | Chairman/host | Z°主席、主持人 |
contact,exchanges: | ∞联系 | fishery | ∞捕鱼业 |
headofgovernment/company | CT | international/worldwide/ global/universal | ○国际的/世界的/全球的 |
asweallknow/asisknowntoall/asyouhavealreadyheardof | EO听到/众所周之 | meeting/conference/negotiation/seminar/discussion/symposium | ⊙会议/开会 |
pleasant/joyful/happy/excited | J开心/高兴/荣幸/好现象 | unsatisfied/discomfort/ angry/sad | L生气/难过/悲伤/忧虑/不满 |
indifferent/apathetic/unconcern/don’tcaremuch | O漠不关心/无动于衷 | total/totally/entire/entirely/onthewhole/allinall/tosumup | ∑总值/总数 |
gointo/arriveat/giveto/sendto/presentto | g→到达/传达 | leadto/resultin/inthedirectionof | →导致/引导 |
come/gobackto/originate | ←追溯到 | be/comefrom/return/receivefrom | f←自于 |
launch/open/start | ↗发射/投放市场/发行 | develop/strengthen/promote/boost,/improve/enhance | ↑发展/加强/推进 |
up/upward/rise/increase/ arise/ascend | h↑上升 | upsanddowns/twistsandturns/rollercoaster | <<波折 |
submitto | ↓屈服 | exchange/mutual | n交流 |
amatch/rival/competitor/counterpart/against | VS对手 | many/lotsof/agreatdealof/agoodmanyof/plus | +多/加之/加上/补充 |
more | ++/+2多的比较级 | most | +3多的最高级 |
little/few/lack/inshortof/beinshortageof/minus | -少/减去/除去 | about/around/orso/approximately | ≈大约 |
bigger/larger/greater/morethan/betterthan | >大于/多于/好于/优于 | less/smaller | <小于/少于/差于/劣于 |
superiorto/surpass | ∧高 | inferiorto | ∨低 |
among/within | ()在...之间 | butyethowever | ∧转折 |
crossout/eliminate | /否定/消除 | question/issue | ?问题/疑惑/难题 |
wonder/miracle/payattesionto | !惊叹/特别注意 | matchless/peerless | 无敌 |
say/speak/talk/marks/announce/declare | :说/认为/希望 | end/stop/halt/bringsthtoastandstill/stop | ∥结束 |
right/good/famous/well-known | √对/正确/好的 | wrong/incorrect/somethingbad/notorious/negative | ×错误/失误/坏 |
standupfor/support/agreewithsb/certain/affirmative | Y同意 | notagree/disagree | N不同意 |
thought | .法/重要的/优秀的 | important/best/outstanding/brilliant | ☆重要的 |
very/extremely | __强调程度 | underthecircumstance |  ̄在…的条件/情况下 |
means/thatistosay/inotherwords/thesameas/beequalto | =即/等于/相当于/同等 | bedifferentfrom | ≠不同/不等于/不相当/不是 |
and/togetherwith/alongwith/accompany/alongwith/furthermore | &和/与 | belongto | ∈属于 |
basisof/perpendicular/isperpendicularto | ⊥…的基础 | therefore/so/asaresult/consequently | ∴所以/结果 |
because/becauseof/dueto | ∵因为/由于/多亏 | hear/listen | ○3听说 |
about | @关于 | parallel | // |
water | H2O | for | 4 |
to | 2 | without | w/o |
with | w/ | plusorminus | ± |
times | x | soon,etc,andsoforth | ··· |
dividedby | ÷ | circle,circumference | ○ |
degree | ℃ | ellipse | 0 |
percent | % | diameter | θ |
perthousand | ‰ | triangle,delta | △ |
between | |.| | inside/within/include/among, | () |
maintainingpeaceandstability: | ◎ | Empty | O |
asalways/holdon,/persist/insiston | ≡一直/总是/一贯 | pressure/influence | ⊥(竖线为向下箭头) |
Ontheotherhand/or | /或者 | rightangle | ∟ |
Representative/delegation/delegation | △ | ocean/sea/river/lake/brook/stream | ∽江河湖海水 |
hills/mountain | ω山 | climbthemountain | ω上加一点· |
山水之间 | ω∕∽ | before/beyond/infrontof | ·| |
above/on/over | ~上加一点· | below/beneath/under | ~下加一点· |
table/desk/house/building/bed | ︹桌/凳/床/楼/房 | 在椅子上 | ︹上加一短横 |
在桌子下 | ︹下加一短横 | look/lookafter/lookinto/investigate/witness | ⊙ |
资本主义 | 资’ | 四个现代化 | 4m |
peace-keeping | 维p | 第三世界 | 3w |
The Belt and Road Initiative offers both a long-term vision and real benefits in the near future.
Some Westerners believe the Initiative is nothing more than a concept, lacking a clear roadmap. However, such an interpretation isone-sided.
Of course, potential risks during the construction must be acknowledged. And it is because of those risks that the construction is being done through joint consultation, joint construction and sharing.
The opportunities and risks that come with the Initiative must beviewed objectively.
The Belt and Road Initiative is not meant to establish a sphere of influence, but to weave a partnership network.
With joint efforts between different countries and regions along theroute, and by aligning the booming Asian economic sphere with the European one, the Belt and Road Initiative will stimulate huge market demand, acting as an engine for global economic development.
In the long run, the Initiative will advance world economic development. It will put into practice the idea of openness and inclusiveness, and will pioneer economic globalization.
泰山(Mount Tai),世界文化与自然双重遗产 ,世界地质公园,全国重点文物保护单位,国家重点风景名胜区,国家5A级旅游景区。
Mount Tai is a World Cultural and Natural Heritage site, World Geopark, Key Cultural Site under State Protection, National Key Tourist Attraction, and a AAAAA Tourist Attraction.
Located in the central region of Tai’an City, Shandong Province, Mount Tai is reputed to be the “First of the Five Famous Mountains” and the “First Mountain in the World”. Its main peak, the Peak of the Heavenly Emperor, is located at an altitude of 1,545m.
Hailed as “the most astonishing mountain in China”, Mount Huangshan is located in Huangshan City in the south of Anhui Province.
It covers an area of 1,200km2 (core scenic area of about 160.6km2), about 40km in length from south to north and 30km in width from east to west. It is mainly formed bygranite and has an altitude of 1,864m at the Lotus Peak.
①Located in Nanping County of Aba Tibetan & Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, the Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area is a valley with the depth of more than 40km, over 400km away from Chengdu.
② It has become well-known for the nine surrounding Tibetan villages that cover about 620km2.
③ About 52% of the area is covered with thick, virgin forest.
④ The Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area has become the only holy land to enjoy both “World Natural Heritage” and “World Biosphere Reserve” status in China.
As history shows, harmony benefits all Asian countries while confrontation hurts all.
The rise of Asia has not come easily and unity remains the best wayto build a stronger Asia.
Today, Asia is a rising region in the global geopolitical landscape, and is also leading world economic growth.
2016 is the opening year of China’s 13th Five Year Plan. It is also the opening year of the “Golden Era” of China-UK relations.
In this increasingly multi-polar, globalized and digitized world, countries are more interdependent in their interests than ever before.
All in all, I am full of confidence in China’s development in 2016 and I am full of expectations for the China-UK business cooperation in the year ahead.
Asian countries loathe to see a repeat of war, turmoil and mutual hostility, and are eager to focus on development in a peaceful and stable environment.
Due to its diversity, Asia cannot copy the model of others in seeking regional integration.
Over the years, Asian cooperation frameworks have looked to,engaged with and learned from those in other regions.
While encouraged by fast progress, we should stay cool-headed at the difficulties and challenges.
As a Chinese saying goes, “Even with great success one shouldalways try to do better”.
Regional Cooperation is an important means to improve regional governance and fuel the rise of Asia.
Since becoming a dialogue partner with ASEAN 25 years ago, China has seen its participation in regional cooperation grow both in breadth and depth.