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Branch Offices

Dialogue 1

M: Have you gotten work from our Sidney office? We have been trying to solve the details for opening up our Shanghai branch for the last few weeks, but I have been waiting for the go-ahead to close the real estate deal to give us a office space to start the branch.

F: We haven't heard anything from Sydney, some facts came off last night from the New York branch, but because of the time difference, no one was here to receive them.

M: The New York Branch wouldn't have any information regarding our Shanghai deal anyway, if anything, it would come from the Sidney branch or our London headquarters.

F: If the headquarters is in London, then why are you so worried about the news from Sydney?

M: Even thought London is the company's headquarters, the CEO is based in Sidney, we already get the approval from the board of directors, but I'm waiting for his OK before I close the deal.

F: So, where are the members of board of directors based?

M: The board of directors is made up memembers from over seven differrent countries, that's what happened when you have a big international company with the network that covers multiple countries.

F: You know what I wondered then? How do they get together for the quarterly meetings?

Dialogue 2

M: What's deal with Asia area's sales? Did you have a chance to look at any other reports that came in branch offices?

F: We got numbers back from our offices in Beijin, Hong Kong, Taipei, Singapore and Tokyo, we're waiting on Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur.

M: What did the preliminary figures tell you? any kinds of trends going on from the branches in the Far East?

F: It's hard to say, because the branches are located in diversity different countries.

Culture and social influences will definately plays a part in the success of the product in the varies of market.

M: For example?

F: For instance, some product that do very well in Tokyo branch are flop in Malaysia, we're talking about different people with different life styles and different needs, each of the branches takes this type of things into consideration, when they compile their reports and their market plans.



Dialogue 1

F: Our productivity has been down for more than six months now, I'm seriously considering pouring in and outside consultant to diagnose the cars of our proclaimate areas, I think we'd all benefit from an outside perspective, sometimes, we're just too closed to the problems to see the forest for the trees.

M: I think that's a good idea, you know I got a Goffin buddy that runs a consultant firm, he's an expert in organizational comunication, he does't come cheap, but he's an expert in this field, maybe he could help get things on track.

F: Do you have his card, what's it in his portfolio, which firm has he worked for in the past?

M: He's done staff for Microsoft and Bouin, I think he's been involved with Simmons' training evaluations as well, I'll get you his card, you can give him a call.

Dialogue 2

M: I would need copies of your immission statement and employee manual, I would also set up a schedule to interview all employees strarting from the executive branch down to the laborers.

F: That's going to take a lot of time, do you think that's necessary, we need to help define our company's problems, but it seems just a bit meticulous, not to mention irrelevant to interview the janitor.

M: I know what I'm doing, the health of an organization is based on the attitude of all its components, rest sure that we'll not waste time, my time comes with a hefty price tag, and I respect my time enough not to waste it, however, as an organizasion consultant, I need a broad aspect of view of your company.

F: Very well! Is there anything else we can do for you?

M: Yes, I will need to arrange weekly meetings with the managers of departments to march your progess on implementation of improvement plans.


Dialogue 1

M: Did you meet the new girl in our sales department. She is taking the place of Maggie during her maternative leave.

F: Did they finally feel that post, how come I haven't seen her? She must have not been inducted yet.

M: I guess not, They haven't officially introduced her to the whole staff yet, she barely started yesterday.

F: Is she just working temporarily? What are they going to do when Maggie comes back from leave.

M: If the new girl is competent, maybe they will promote her when that time comes, that would be a nice little reward now, wouldn't it? If that happened, Maggie will just fume.

M: You're right, if they promoted her for working in Maggie's spot a few month, it will probably affect everyone's marrou.

F: It's the management's decision I guess. Anyway, she's new, she'll probably need someone to show her the ropes, let's go talk to her now.

Dialogue 2

M: I wish our competiton will quit pourching our people, when Susan resigned last week to work for the Sunburst, she was our fourth employee to leave us for them.

F: Have you ever considered that perhaps we have a marrau problem among our employees? If everyone is discontent with their work, of course they won't stick arround.

M: Well, those do leave will soon find out the grass isn't as green on the other side of fense as they thought it was, I know Sunburst is suffering from inbreeding.

F: Inbreeding is a big drawback from snitching most of their empoyers from one or two companies.

M: With Susan leaving, we should probabaly look to someone new on board.

F: Our human resource department is working on it, it's not easy to recuit new empoyees every few month, it's hard to find qualified people.

M: Maybe we should start shopping around the competitors people.


Dialogue 1

M: Are you free next Thursday?

F: Yeah, why, is there something going on Thursday?

M: A bunch of us in the office are planning a retiring party for Bob, he's been with the company for ages, so everyone was really surprised to hear he took early retirement.

F: Bob is retiring, wow...that's news to me, I had no idea Bob was that old, retirement's still sixty-five, right?

M: Retirement age is still sixty-five, but I think more and more people are retiring earlier, I think Bob's in upper fifties already, he just looks pretty young.

F: Wow...I thought he was early forties tops, why would he want to retire so soon?

M: Well, I think if you prepare it well and capture good savings, retiring early can give you a lot more time for travel and other activities, you should get out and enjoy the life while you still can, don't you think?

F: I guess if you have a Heathy for One care Plan, why not retire a few years early,so what plans does Bob have for his new life after retirement?

M: he's been bringing travel brochures to the office and talking about all these exhorted places like Fiji and Hawaii, I have a hunch he'll take a second honey moon with his wife to some sunny paradise.

Dialogue 2

F: How are the benefits for your new job?

M: it's the standard package, dental and health, but the best thing is our retirement plan, our company has a matching contribution program, which means my monthly deposit into my Fore One care Plan, it match by the company, dollar to dollar.

F: Really? That's quite a substantial systems from your company for your future planning, after forty or so years of work force, you'll have a hefty sum left over for your retirement.

M: Yeah, I'll have a sweet little estate waiting for me, my Fore One care is only my saving plan, my wife and I also got a stock portfolio that is earmarked for our retirement.

F: You certainly are well prepared, your golden years will be quite golden if the stock market keeps doing well,

M: We hope to have a little money laid away, that way, we can really enjoy our retirement, maybe I might even be able to take in early retirement, we might do a little of traveling if we want to, and having for bid, if we do have some health problem, at least we’ll be financial secured to be able to pay for medical treatment,



