at last, immediately, in the meantime, lately, meanwhile, shortly, afterwards, presently, since, temporarily, after, while, when...in (the) front of, in (the) back of, beyond, above, below, inside, outside, beside, on the left (right)...
in the first place, first of all, to begin with, initially, finally, to start with, what is more, furthermore, moreover, next, for another, besides, in addition to, first and foremost, last but not least...
because (of ), since, for, as, due to, owing to, result in (from), on account of, as a result of, for the reason, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, therefore, hence, consequently...
instead, yet, however, whereas, nevertheless, in contrast, but, rather than, conversely, otherwise, on the contrary, likewise, similarly, in the same way, like, on the other hand...
such as, for example, for instance, take...as an example, a case in point, namely, that is, like...
on the whole, to sum up, to conclude, in summary, in a word, on a large scale, in brief, in short, as far as i am concerned, to some extent, generally speaking, in a way, to take the idea further, as a rule, in terms of, in a sense...
although, even though, in spite of , despite, even though, granted that...
providing that, as long as, no matter what, whatever,whenever...
还有表示选择关系(如or,either...or..., neither...nor...),递进关系(even...)等的连接词,大家在学习及写作中要注意多总结多运用。
with the development of economy and technology, there are more and more people using mobile phones. when(时间) you walk in a street, you can see some people using their phones to chat, to send short messages or to browse the micro-blogs even(递进) to watch videos.
just as(例举)the picture shows, some people are using their phones while(时间) they are crossing the street. how dangerous it is to do this way. there are many traffic tragedies due to (因果)the inattention to traffic lights. though(转折) the stick can help you, the stick doesn’t have a pair of eyes and it cannot tell you the dangers in front of(方位) you. there are many other disadvantages of overusing mobile phones such as(列举) making our eyes near-sighted, having less face-to-face communication with our friends and so on(列举).
the mobile phone definitely brings much convenience to our life, but(转折)we cannot overuse it. we should make a good use of it and(并列) benefit from it.
at last, immediately, in the meantime, lately, meanwhile, shortly, afterwards, presently, since, temporarily, after, while, when...in (the) front of, in (the) back of, beyond, above, below, inside, outside, beside, on the left (right)...
in the first place, first of all, to begin with, initially, finally, to start with, what is more, furthermore, moreover, next, for another, besides, in addition to, first and foremost, last but not least...
because (of ), since, for, as, due to, owing to, result in (from), on account of, as a result of, for the reason, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, therefore, hence, consequently...
instead, yet, however, whereas, nevertheless, in contrast, but, rather than, conversely, otherwise, on the contrary, likewise, similarly, in the same way, like, on the other hand...
such as, for example, for instance, take...as an example, a case in point, namely, that is, like...
on the whole, to sum up, to conclude, in summary, in a word, on a large scale, in brief, in short, as far as i am concerned, to some extent, generally speaking, in a way, to take the idea further, as a rule, in terms of, in a sense...
although, even though, in spite of , despite, even though, granted that...
providing that, as long as, no matter what, whatever,whenever...
还有表示选择关系(如or,either...or..., neither...nor...),递进关系(even...)等的连接词,大家在学习及写作中要注意多总结多运用。
with the development of economy and technology, there are more and more people using mobile phones. when(时间) you walk in a street, you can see some people using their phones to chat, to send short messages or to browse the micro-blogs even(递进) to watch videos.
just as(例举)the picture shows, some people are using their phones while(时间) they are crossing the street. how dangerous it is to do this way. there are many traffic tragedies due to (因果)the inattention to traffic lights. though(转折) the stick can help you, the stick doesn’t have a pair of eyes and it cannot tell you the dangers in front of(方位) you. there are many other disadvantages of overusing mobile phones such as(列举) making our eyes near-sighted, having less face-to-face communication with our friends and so on(列举).
the mobile phone definitely brings much convenience to our life, but(转折)we cannot overuse it. we should make a good use of it and(并列) benefit from it.
得的成绩,展示自身具备那些优势,展望未来。写自己我鉴定时,态度应当虔诚认真,切忌心智不成熟,立场不坚定的一面。好的自我鉴定将被我们收入个人档案。下面由小编给大家整理了有关自我鉴定的范文,希望大家有用! 办公室文秘自我鉴定范文精选1。下面小编给大家分享办公室文秘自我鉴定范文精选,希望能帮助到大家。 办公室文秘自我鉴定范文精选文档下载网址链接:
