由于中国人的思维方式,对英语发音的方式都跟西方人不太一样,我们一贯习惯的思维方式,就造成了我们的Chinglish啦!也给那些考官给咱们扣了个帽子,说我们说的是Chinglish. 中国考生雅思口语考试得分是在20多个主要雅思考试国家里面名列倒数的,其原因主要是拿过一个话题来不知道要说什么,而能说出来的一些东西也没有什么实际的内容。这就是我们在没有构建一个逻辑框架去表达我们的思想。所以从第一个评分标准流利度和连贯度而言就已经很吃亏了。没有了句群,段落,就失去了表现词汇和发音的载体。
所以小编建议:首先要解决的就是要develop your answer—即构建你的口语框架,使流利度和连贯性有所发挥,就如写作写提纲一样,口语也要构思你的框架。不要无头无脑地去记那些杂乱无章的口语框架,大家一定要懂得给雅思口语题划分类别,以下是给大家讲解某些类别的口语框架,大家可以根据这样的逻辑思路构建自己的口语框架:
1. 了解西方思维方式
3. 多了解其西方的文化,促进思维方式的培养
1. 禁止拖音
各位烤鸭,主要在说英文的时候,一定要注意词汇的轻重音节,像比较经典的interest,['ɪnt(ə)rɪst] 其重音在前面第一个音节,而不是第二个音节。还有个很关键的地方,就是不要特意去拖音,啥叫拖音呢?拖式英语:在发音的时候,重读并且拖长了一些音标中本该轻声的尾音。比如don’t,有些考生就会读成“咚特”,你有这样的问题吗?
/s/ (如,yes, was, depends, years, always, course, cars) 发成了“斯”的音。那个s的发音是比较轻,并且比较短,大家在读像这些类似的单词的时候,不要习惯性地重读以及拖长其音节,这些都是短音节。
/k/ (如,think, smoke)发成了“科”的音。
/t/ (如,fact, don’t)发成了“特”的音。这一类的发音有种短而急促的感觉,那么你就发音对了。
2. 不要发音模糊
Eg: 像以下这些最基本的
大开口的ai(while)—稍小开口的æ/eə/e/(where), 还有kind vs. canned, mind vs. mend,
长短音节的区分如短音i(hit)—长音i:(heat), sick vs. seek,
还有像这些,分清楚l和r的发音:play vs. pray, than vs. dam
大雨 big rain (正确:heavy rain)
红茶 red tea(正确:black tea)
嫉妒,眼红 red-eyed(正确:green-eyed)
领导能力 leadership level (正确:the art of leadership)
交际花,会交际的人 social flower(正确:social butterfly)
雅思口语P2话题范文:a piece of clothing you like wearing
Describe a piece of clothing you like wearing
You should say
- what the item of clothing is
- where and when you bought it
- when you wear it
- and explain why you like wearing it.
I’m going to describe a coat that I often wear at the moment. The coat is dark blue in colour, and it’s made out of a lightweight, waterproof material, which makes it perfect for wearing at this time of year here in Changchun. It also has a detachable hood, which I used yesterday when it was raining, and various pockets on the outside and on the inside.
I bought the coat last year at the beginning of autumn when the weather started to get colder. It was easy to buy because I had had the exact same coat before; my old coat was starting to look a bit worn out, so I decided to buy a new version. As I knew which size I needed, I simply went online and found the best offer; I bought it through a shopping website, and it was delivered to my house a few days later.
As I said, I’m wearing this coat a lot at the moment. It’s my everyday coat for going to work or for when I go out shopping or for any other reason.
The reason why I like this coat is that it’s so practical and functional. It’s waterproof and it keeps me warm, but it also comes in handy for carrying things like my phone, wallet, loose change, a pen, and even a notebook; I tend to fill my pockets with whatever I can. It even folds up small enough to fit in my bag when I don’t need it.
雅思口语P2话题答案:important plant in your country
Describe an important plant in your country.
You should say:
What the plant is
How you know it
Why it is important
And explain how much you like the plant.
Ok then, well after a bit of thought, I’ve decided to talk to you about bamboo. However, I honestly don’t know if I’m gonna be able to talk for two minutes about it, but I’ll give it a try!
So first of all, as for how I know about bamboo, well I can’t really remember exactly how I first got to know about it, you know, it could have been in a biology class at school, or when I was out somewhere with my parents, but my guess would be that I probably first knew about it at primary school, because that was about the time when we first started learning about things like that.
Anyway, moving on to why bamboo is important, well I’d say it’s pretty important for a number of reasons, the main one of which would be that it can be used to make so many different things, you know, such as chopsticks, chopping boards, flooring, what else, um……oh yeah, and musical instruments, like the bamboo flute for example.
And another thing to mention is that bamboo is also used a lot for carrying stuff. For example, what I’ve seen people do is rest it on their shoulders, and then hang things on each end, because as well as being strong, it’s also very flexible, so it won’t break, even with very heavy loads.
So it’s extremely useful, and what’s good about it is that it grows incredibly fast, you know, not like most other trees, and so although a lot of it’s cut down to make stuff, there will still always be an abundant supply of it here.
But anyway, finally then, as for how much I like bamboo, well I’d say it’s actually probably one of my favourite plants! Because I mean, it kind of just gives me a nice, pleasant feeling whenever I see it. And it’s also a plant which is often associated with China, because we grow so much of it here, so it’s something that kind of reminds me of my own culture, if you know what I mean.
So yeah I guess that’s pretty much it then. Thanks for listening.
雅思口语P2话题答案:two people from the same family
Describe two people from the same family.
You should say:
Who they are?
How you know them?
How they look like?
Do you like spending time with them and explain why?
I'd like to talk about a pair of twins who have been my good friends for many years.The big sister came to this world a few minutes earlier than the younger one. They are two beautiful girls.One's very outgoing,who likes to reach out to make friends;The other’s very quiet,who plays the piano very well.
They both inherited the good look from their parents.They are typical Chinese beauties,who look very feminine,have long charcoal black hair,almond shaped eyes and slim body shapes.Recently,they just came back from their trip in Australia.They got healthy tan,which makes them look so sexy.
They look identical.If you don't know them very well.It’s hard to tell the difference between them.So when they appear at the same place,people will make mistakes.It happens all the time.Even though I grew up with them,sometimes,they still make me confused.
It's quite interesting to have identical twins as your friends.
You know,it’s quite funny when they talk to you at the same time.Their voice, and look are almost same.sometimes,I totally have no idea whom i'm talking to.But after all those years,I've already gotten used to it.
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