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1. What time are you going to leave for the airport tomorrow?你明天打算什么时候去机场?

2. Is he coming to dinner? 他回来吃饭吗?

3. I'm going to the bookstore. Will you go with me? 我要去书店,你和我去吗?

4. They're going to discuss it at the meeting next Friday.他们将在下周五的会上讨论这个问题。

5. I'll be waiting for you at the restaurant this time tomorrow.我明天这时候在餐馆等你。

6. After I get home, I'll call you. 到家以后,我会给你打电话。

7. How will you spend the evening? 你晚上干什么?

8. I'll probably stay home and watch TV. 我可能会呆在家看电视。

9. What's your plan for the summer holiday? 暑假计划干什么?

10. I'm thinking about a visit to Paris. 我在考虑去巴黎旅游。

11. There's going to be a pottery exhibition at the art gallery.艺术馆将有一次陶瓷展。

12. You are still thinking about a Ph.D, aren't you?你还是想学成博士,是吗?

13. What will you do about it? 你会拿这事怎么办?

14. What do you want to do after graduation? 你毕业后想干什么?

15. I'll further my study. 我想继续深造。


1. Will you go shopping with me? 你跟我去买东西吗?

2. Here's your change. 这是找你的钱。

3. I'll go to pick up some odds and ends at the store. 我要到商店买些零碎的东西。

4. Excuse me, would you tell me where I can get some butter?打扰一下,您能告诉我黄油在哪儿卖吗?

5. May I have a look at the watch? 我能看看这块表吗?

6. May I try it on? 我能试试吗?

7. This is too small for me. Do you have a bigger one? 这个太小了,有大点的吗?

8. Do you have any more colors? 有别的颜色吗?

9. What's your size? 你穿多大号?

10. It suits you to a T. 特别适合你。

11. It's too expensive for me. 对于我来说太贵了。

12. Can you came down a bit? 可以再便宜点吗?

13. I'll take it. 我买了。

14. How much is it? 这卖多少钱?

15. How much do I owe you? 我该付多少钱?


1. What's your name? 你叫什么名字?

2. May I have your name? 能告诉我你的名字吗?

3. My name is Thomas. 我叫汤姆斯。

4. Just call me Tom. 就叫我汤姆吧。

5. What's your family name? 你姓什么?

6. My family name is Ayneswonth. 我姓安尼思华斯。

7. How do you spell it? 怎么拼?

8. Who is the lady in white? 穿白衣服的那位小姐是谁?

9. Could you introduce me to her? 你能把我介绍给她吗?

10. Rose, let me introduce my friend to you. 罗斯,让我介绍一下我的朋友。

11. This is Tom. He's my classmate. 这是汤姆。我的同学。

12. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。

13. Nice to meet you, too. 认识你我也很高兴。

14. Let me introduce myself. 让我自我介绍一下。

15. How do you do? 你好!


1. What day is it today? 今天星期几?

2. It's Monday today. 今天是星期一。

3. What's the date today? 今天是几号?

4. It's January the 15th, 1999. 今天是1999年1月15日。

5. What month is this? 现在是几月?

6. It's December. 现在是十二月。

7. What year is this? 今年是哪一年?

8. It's the year of 1999. 今年是1999年。

9. What will you do during this weekend? 这周末你干什么?

10. Does the shop open at 9 am on weekdays? 这家店平日是早上9点开门吗?

11. It opens at 8 am on weekdays, but at 9 at weekends.平日上午8点开,但周末9点开。

12. What will you do the day after on next? 后天你干什么?

13. What did you do the week before last? 上上星期你干了什么?

14. I'll work for the next 5 days. 我要工作5天(从明天算起)

15. It's been 5 years since I last saw you. 我已5年没见你了


(1) Hello. May I speak to Mr Green? 你好,我可以和格林先生讲话吗?

(2) Just a moment. 等一会儿。

(3) Hold on. 等一会儿。

(4) He's not in. May I take a message for him? 他不在,我能替他捎个口信吗?

(5) Yes,please. 是的,麻烦了。

(6) Would you answer the phone please? 你能接一下电话吗?

(7) I want to make a long distance call. 我想打个长途电话。

(8) This is Mary Speaking. 我是玛丽。

(9) Would you tell Mr Green that I called?你能告诉格林先生我给他打了个电话吗?

(10) I must have dialed a wrong number. 我一定拨错号了。

(11) I couldn't get through. 我打不通。

(12) I have to hang up now. 我得挂电话了。

(13) Would you call back tomorrow? 你能明天回个电话吗?

(14) There's something wrong with the phone. 电话出了点儿毛病。

(15) I tried to call you,but the line is busy. 我试着给你打电话,但老占线。


★ 小学英语国培培训反思

★ 小学英语教案

★ 商务英语

★ 关于初二英语说课稿范文合集大全

★ 英语口语

★ 三年级英语说课稿示例五篇

★ 英语专业实习报告精萃5篇范本


